
DeepTalk Episode 8

AI for India and Beyond

Dr. Manish Gupta Director of Google Research India | Infosys Foundation Chair Professor at IIIT Bangalore Hosted by Dr. Santanu Paul, Founder and CEO, TalentSprint

About the event

DeepTalk is an interactive series on DeepTech where leaders, experts, and trendsetters in the emerging technology space like AI, ML, Blockchain, FinTech, IoT, and more share their unique perspectives and knowledge with our vast community of professionals.

The 8th episode of DeepTalk is about how AI is transforming Indian business, economy, society, and beyond. Google Research India Director, Dr. Manish Gupta will share his perspective on how companies of all sizes, irrespective of the industry, are leveraging AI to take their businesses to the next level. The session will also delve into the role of professionals in the AI-driven future of India and beyond.


Dr. Manish Gupta
Director of Google Research India | Infosys Foundation Chair Professor at IIIT Bangalore
(Ex VideoKen, Xerox, IBM)

Dr. Manish Gupta is the Director of Google Research India. He holds an additional appointment as Infosys Foundation Chair Professor at IIIT Bangalore. Before this, Manish has led VideoKen, a video technology startup, and the research centers for Xerox and IBM in India. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and has 19 US patents to his credit. He is a Fellow of ACM and the Indian National Academy of Engineering Know More...


fintech training

Dr. Santanu Paul
Founder and CEO, TalentSprint
(Ex Virtusa, IBM, Open Pages)

Dr. Santanu leads strategy and growth at TalentSprint, an NSE Academy company. He serves as an independent director for organizations that use disruptive technologies as their engine of growth. Under his leadership, TalentSprint has emerged as one of India’s leading tech-enabled education platforms for professionals and a youth career accelerator for young job seekers in the technology space.

About TalentSprint

TalentSprint brings transformational learning programs to young and experienced professionals seeking deep tech expertise. The company partners with top academic institutions and global corporations creating and delivering world-class cutting-edge programs and outcomes. Know more at talentsprint.com

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