Blockchain Event Aug18

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Held on August 18, 2020 @ 5:30 PM

Blockchain Executive Program for Developers and Managers

Sridhar K
Chief Business Officer

At present, Blockchain jobs are one among the most demanding job-roles in the world today. In this webinar, Sridhar K, Chief Business Officer, TalentSprint and Sumit Puntambekar, Entrepreneur and alumni of IIIT Hyderabad | TalentSprint Blockchain discussed what makes this program unique and how professionals have leveraged this opportunity to build relevance expertise.

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About Advanced Certification Program in Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies

IIIT Hyderabad Blockchain Center of Excellence and TalentSprint offers the Advanced Certificate Program in Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies. This six-month program brings you a hands-on learning experience through Faculty-led Interactive LIVE Sessions, Hackathons, Capstone Projects, Master Mentors, and an exceptional peer group.

Event Transcript

Blockchain Executive Program for Developers and Managers

Good evening, friends. This is Sridhar here.

I hope you can hear me and see me.

You just have a minute to start. So I thought I'd just come online Submit. Hi, nice meeting you online.

Can you hear me? Yeah, he's

great. But you come on video. Yeah. Great. Good. Great. Nice seeing you. Fingers should have been a while.

Good. You're on time. 5:30pm. So nice having you all here in the session on blockchain. And thanks so much for joining us for this event. Maybe I'll start with a short intro and from there.

My name is Sweden. I'm the Chief Business Officer here at

basically in terms of background, I have been in the financial services business for a long day. I started my career. 30 years back when

But Citibank then nesara finance, which we can g money then just before talentsprint, which is 10 years now in talentsprint, but just before that I used to be the country and for financial services group called Carvey, right and the intelligence for into my roles as a Chief Business Officer and we launch various

academic partners and come up with new tech programs. And I have with me today Sumit submitters for Lahore alumni and a person who has been instrumental in launching a startup in blockchain. Maybe we will discuss about some a time this startup and this blockchain journey during the session today, but before that, it would be great summit if you can do a strat intro about yourself. And from that, you know, thank you so much for that. It feels great to be a part of that again, and being into the fold.

We had to give us a short intro I did my blockchain

Two years ago from triple it. And that could I could say that could be a turning point in terms of my startup dreams that have been nurturing for quite a while. Having said this, it's like I've got around 15 years of corporate experience in the field of business cards, consulting, strategy, consulting, then audits, compliance, and they're somehow from the audit side, I wanted to understand GDPR blockchain and that was the point where and I felt this could be a good journey for me. Okay, and as you progress, let's discuss how the things went on. What are the things I liked about the program? And yes, so let's take it forward from your thank you so much. Thanks a lot. Good.

Yep. Okay. So, what we do is I have a very short presentation to make, I'll make the presentation and, of course, I'll share my email ids where you can connect with me. One of my colleagues, Susan, this online entry, we'll share the numbers so that it is easier for people to connect

Live you want to do it later? Here we go. Are you able to see my full screen?

Are you able to see my screen if Can I get an acknowledgement so that I can proceed?

You should not have one yet to get Philip Pullman Okay, great. So we just started with the introduction but the first introduce ourselves and I'm sure we will have time to interact with all the participants where I see more than 90 of them here. So

Pushkin's not visible

once again.


Wait, here we go.

Okay, so let me start with a small question for all of you. I'm sure many of you would have heard of

Gartner's hype cycle right? And and this what you see on the screen is the typical hype cycle. When there's a technology trigger, immediately people believe that this is something very disruptive things are going to change. And the expectation goes extremely high it goes to the peak of inflated expectations. And they find that generally people find that it's not working out and that all disillusionment happens and every expectation on the technology falls to a trough of disillusionment, I, I don't understand, real things start happening. And due to the slope of enlightenment, the technology becomes adopted. And it's not as low as the trough of disillusionment, it's not as high as the peak of inflated expectations in between, right? Every technology that we have talked about goes through the cycle, the time taken can be very different for very different technologies.

We look at the AI machine learning when you look at

various other technologies that you have seen so far everything goes through this. And and Gartner's hype cycle. This is called the hype cycle that starts with the huge hype, then there's a disillusionment and then there is a enlightenment and productivity that happens. So what we'll do is I'm just opening a short

What do you call poll here? I want you to share on that you think the

blockchain is today in this cycle? Is it at the technology trigger level or the peak or the trough, or the other areas like

slope of entitle enlightenment or plateau of productivity that you think this is?

Okay. I started getting more than hundred people are there. I already got that. 20% of the words. Let me know while I'm showing you, I know you have raised your hand, let me know

Get started and from that, ask you this question, open up for discussions.

Okay, so just so Explanation for people who are coming late I see a lot of new additions. The technology trigger is when the technologies identified and when it becomes the starting point. And then things suddenly expand. And people say anything in the world, everything in the world, which is being done cannot be done. Everything is in though.

Everything in the world can happen through this technology. Then they say nothing happens with its technology, and then the real value or the technology comes into the beam. So I have more than 60% of people voted. I'll wait for one more minute. There is just one minute so far. I will give another minute and we will take it up.

I see a very interesting ratio already on my screen.

Let us not rotate if you can work now, that will be great. And this will be a good starting point for our discussions. Okay, another 10 seconds.

I have 78% thoughts.

Okay, I'm ending the poll up.

And I am going to share the results on the screen.

Okay, so

31% of people believe that except the technology trigger stage

18% believe that it isn't the inflated expectation stage. And 14% of the people believe that it's the trough of disillusionment. 26% believe that it isn't the slope of enlightenment, and 12% believe that it has crossed the slope of entitlement and moving towards lack of productivity. That's, I mean, this is not what

generally expect this is a very interesting

way of looking at it. So let me just go back to the deck now I'll stop the sharing. So if you really look at it number one here is technology trigger number two, in terms of ranking is slope of enlightenment, that is 14% in disillusionment and percent in productivity, right.

And some people believe that it is at the peak. So that's good. Now let's get into the deck.

Are you able to see my deck again now?

I have my dates here. If you can see the dates 2008 isn't the technology to get happened. 2017 is when the peak of inflated expectations happened and a lot of guidelines and regulatory stuff came into be, and I think 2019 it went and hit the ladder, it hit the water. Right. I'm from 2019 onwards. There are a few interesting stuff that has happened.

which we'll discuss about. And so, in my view, we are in the stage where we are moving from the trough of disillusionment towards the slope of enlightenment. Right. And and just give a background when the technology trigger happened and the peak of inflated expectations happens when people believe that anything and everything which can be solved and cannot be solved this technology is the answer. This was the case in the peak of 2017 and maybe 2018 beginning right. It was here when people said everything that anybody thought of could be solved with blockchain.

Right. And 2019 it became said nothing can be done in blockchain. It is I mean, governments came and said, you cannot trade in cryptocurrencies. And people said, There is no difference between blockchain and databases, various discussions happen. So,

I think 2008 is too far back. So, you

A lot of people who voted for that as a starting point, though, this technology is pretty old, it is 12 years old now. And it has moved from that cycle. I on to the second one and the third one now probably moving towards the fourth stage, which is the slope of enlightenment.

I'm here is an actual productive use, at reasonably high scale happens for a technology. When I look at people in each of the cycles, technology trigger is ideally the technologists view of things. And inflated expectation happens when people in business believes that everything they wanted to solve in the world, the technology will solve it.

Okay? And they find that it's not solving fast enough. It's not solving it enough, as expected by them, right without knowing that is the expectation which is a mismatch, it comes to the solution matter now

History from from blockchains point of view, these three have become history. Right? We are at this point of time for the technology to move towards the next level, we have to ride the slope, I create something huge value. The slope is created by people who are understand the limitations as well as the power of the technology and brings in the real, useful business problem that they can solve with this technology, right. And when I see in the world, a lot of interesting things are happening. Like for example,

during the 2019 people said don't trade in crypto currencies or not, right? It's illegal and stuff like that. Now, in various I mean, I just give an example of India Supreme Court's decision on crypto while crypto is the first baby of blockchain and that's not necessarily the only use case

It had a lot of relation to crypto. So this one was a very important mindset change for people

follow it up but World Economic Forum which published during the pandemic, saying that automating trust

is a very, very key requirement in global supply chains to work effectively, because physical interactions are becoming impossible in today's context. And they publish what is called the blockchain deployment toolkit as a solution for businesses to adopt. I think that was a very important trigger. And that was immediately followed by the People's Bank of China announcing that central bank issued digital currency pilot in three cities, right very, very restricted the use of digital currency, which is equalent of a fiat currency issued by the government and the central bank. And they said instead of physical currency that we are all doing

To the Indian rupees of the US dollar,

the yen's and the euros. The Chinese government said that the central bank which is pboc, the

People's Bank of China came into cbdc pilot I August 15 2020, just three days back, they expected the pilot to the financial capitals of China, which is beaching in Hong Kong. Right. This is a very, very interesting development, these three key developments and I'm sure there were many I just taken some three key things right, are driving towards the fact that there is real

value for the technology which will solve real world problems in a big scale. Right. And that's an interesting development that has happened in a very short span between March and August, which is just five months out of Florida.

New developments have happened in this space.

I added this to the statistical report. Right, and I'm sharing the statistical report, I don't see the source. So I'm just wanting to

disclose that. This is the expectation up to 2020, the global blockchain market was expected to be at $23 billion. And it is expected to grow 13 fold to $39.7 billion by 2025, with a compounded annual growth rate of 67%, which is something unheard of right technologies, like AML have gone through those around four or five years back, but maybe 10 years back. And this is a great opportunity for professionals and businesses to move into this. Of course, the sort of projections we will see how this prove this projections hold over a period of time that the developers that we have seen in the future

Your slide clearly paid way to something interesting.

No one one on ones while still securing digital currencies. One of the key areas that I covered supply chain is one area that blockchain is going to be used extensively. financial transactions, international fund transfers, I mean, a lot of interesting stuffs are happening in this area. And I'm sure we will discuss along with Sumit. About that going forward. So if you have been hearing this, I hope over the last few minutes, do you want to add anything to this? Yes, certainly. Thank you. So what do you have seen all this while is like the curve picking up going down and again, then coming up. So if you look at the space that we are currently into, as it's rightly said at the Gartner hype cycle also shows like we are in the scope of enlightenment. And what I would certainly go over this is the dilution meant is completely done, and

We're certainly into this slow because if you look, even in the outside industry, there are many people who are talking about blockchain. There are many companies coming up many startups, and even the large scale companies or even the

top hundred companies are like completely moving into this kind of sphere.

Okay, so whatever it is that's in line with what the expectations are. And as we move on, I am sure like there will be lots of more traction into it. Great, good. I'm sure you having started a startup in this area, I'm sure you will have some strong views on how the technology is moving. So before I proceed into that, I think I'll just give a small brief I think it has to be largely an interactive session. We are now 15 minutes into the session. I will spend another seven or eight minutes talking about the program and then we will open up for questions.

What is unique about this program, this program is from too flighty, hyperbolic talentsprint. Just as a background for all of you to try it.

As the first lady in the country right behind the back, it's a research institution. And it took like the Hyderabad is the largest computer science research institution in the country and among the top computer science institutions in the country as well. And they are really

pleased place to for industry to look for top computer science, machine learning and blockchain talent. In fact,

ripple is one of the blockchain companies and they have set up a blockchain Center of Excellence in for research, integrity hydrobath. And they are one of the 20 institutions across the globe in which such blockchain research initiatives are being taken. And talentsprint and triple ID offer multiple programs. One was on is on machine learning, and the second is on blockchain. And this program covers both public and private blockchains right we talk about both ends

Do you have a hyper ledger and very different approach because blockchain is very different technology. It is unlike coming while now. While AI machine learning and deep deep learning and other things are grown out of research labs and come to business. blockchain is one area that it has grown from the business and getting into the academic research area. Right. And, and completely being one of the earliest adopters to this, of course, various components of it, which is game theory, which is cryptography, all are part of the search, but bringing all of them together into blockchain has been done by a business and now the academic world is catching up to it. So, that background, we want to give in this program, both a technical and a business perspective. Right. And we facilitate the program for both the tracks when I really look at the people who join

program I will explain that in the next slide.

It's clearly that some people want to learn technology and start coding in it. Some people want to use it right for solving business problems, and they will have their coding team to do it. So both these categories we will, the program will enable

for and it has ideal with a mix of theory and practice each. Each area will have a hands on experience, right, and the program includes three mini projects and one capstone project. And many of these projects you need work in groups. And, frankly, one of the key benefits of this program is those use cases that happened in capital projects are turning out to be startup ideas, anyway that I'm sure Sumit will cover in the next part. The reason why people prefer this program, why consider this program for blockchain? There are clearly this is not a wildest

will be delivered online in today's context. This is interactive live class. faculty will deliver the program. It is not recorded videos. Of course, after the class is over. The videos are available for you to review later.

Excuse me.

Exceptional peer group. We have more than 250 300 people who have gone through the program so far.

startups have come out people are working in various top companies like

and I think this is probably one of the largest group of people who have built expertise solving real problems in blockchain.

Of course, deploy it and ripples. Community certification, which has ripples, Center of Excellence on blockchain curriculum is completely practitioners oriented. Why is it is it

Canada continues to have the academic rigor of triple IIT Hyderabad. The focus is largely practitioners focus. The top faculty of the program, both from the industry as well as from the academia are

extremely well regarded as experts in this field. And of course, you will learn on a very, very interactive online platform which is talismans platform.

One more important development that has happened I'm sure Sumit is going to ask me for either give me that offer, the we have

the Kubernetes incubation center for deep tech

will support the participants of this program who want to create startup with their advisory services, incubation space and support. Right We will discuss about that later.

Now has five modules. Of course the foundations followed by aetherium which is

which is a very popular

Public blockchain and hyper ledger which is the most popular at this point of time, private blockchain. And also you will get to expose, get an exposure to other block chains,

which are part of the

new development that's happening in the industry, followed by a capstone project. Each of this module will have practical sessions, followed by a capstone. Now, I would call the request submit for some comments. So submit, use, having started working on a startup, right. And since this program covered both business as far as as far as a technical component, and both private and public blockchain, what did you like the most? And how did that help you with your startup ideas?

Well, before I answer this, can I get that startup funding or something, whatever you just talked about.

And let's get this on platform. So

back now

Did it will ensure that the existing

other they are eligible for it. Thank you so much, Becca. We already got a lot of support from

triple it talentsprint and all the faculty of there, so none, nothing against it. So that's perfectly. Now coming back to your question, what I would talk about is this particular program at talentsprint and triple it in collaboration with triple it. So, this is completely different program when we compare it to the different counterparts like the Kerala blockchain Academy or the Bombay, IIT Bombay and all Reason being this is very good

amalgamation of business and technology that's a part of this particular program it it moves very smoothly in terms of first having the classes and understanding the Ba Ba, Bs technology kind of concepts from the professors of triple it. Estimated

Remember the class of Professor Tremont where he explained the zero knowledge proof. And I believe anyone who sits in that class would remember his for his life. And then slowly we move on. Then slowly came up the concepts of the basics of aetherium, the vibe Bitcoin. And one thing I would like to tell to all the participants or people who would like to join this courses, blockchain is not Bitcoin blockchain is not cryptocurrency. That's only the starting thing that happened and because of which the blockchain came into mainstream, but there are many other use cases and we'll have to keep a clear distinction that Bitcoin our crypto is different and blockchain technology in itself is completely different.

Coming back,

the kind of

use cases that we had done in the classes were very amazing and something that we could relate it to B and D. Day in and out like, the one that we talked about, I would not like to name it because there's there is some companies already working on it. So there is a large financial company. That's already

Working on a similar use case that we had done in the class, maybe we did it for a shorter time duration and the scope was a smaller one. But exactly, that's the use case that they're working on then the supply chain that's already being in the market. So there are many things that we and the PR one is really good and out of my team of like six people that we are working on in a blockchain solution Porter from triple it and my batchmates so that gives a perfect answer for me, uh, you were and when we talk about business and technology coming together. Okay. So you found that a combination of both was very, yeah, yeah, exactly. Because what we had seen somewhere else is purely technology kind of thing where and you sit in a class, you understand, you go back and then you cannot really put that in our day to day life scenario.

Yeah, so Sunil that way without into the process of Really?

He's a magician at it. Yeah.

So so good. That's a good

Point sweat. I think Andy also very important point you brought up saying that blockchain is not cryptocurrency. In fact, many of you may or may not know, the first use case of internet was pornography. Okay? So, like, today's for everything else, right? I mean, so that's that's unfortunate. Now everybody's forgotten about it. But now for blockchain it is being remembered. Right saying that Bitcoin is the first one.

So let me just quickly go through the type of people who get into the program, right? 70% of the participants have more than five years experience and 1% women. The most valuable part for me is the third number which is 42%. From startup from at small companies, in terms of the role that they play, right, I saw some chat questions which are there and this 15% are leaders and 21% managers, analysts and developers, right. So if you really look at it objective for a developer is to get a real hands on experience in creating

Creating blockchain applications, right. And the role of a leader is to solve a business problem. And the role of a manager is to ensure that these two gets mixed to the, to the process. And when you work on projects, generally the group is formed with a combination of these people. Right? And somebody does analysis of the use case, somebody makes a project plan to ensure that this gets done, and somebody writes code and the real problem is defined by someone else in the same team, keeping their height for each of the schools. So that's where the real value comes in.

I actually asked a question saying that which domain or business area you started with focusing and deciding for summit? I'm sure we are going to talk about it. Actually, we will get there and I also see somebody I don't remember his name. What is the CTC for a fresher I think? That's a very


reasonable question to ask. But let me just clarify this program is best suited for working professionals or not for a freshman. And ideally, if you're a very good blockchain developer today when I look at the median fresher salary is 3.5 lakhs approximately. And if somebody is a good blockchain developer, the premium the market is willing to pay is anywhere between 30 to 40%. But more than anything else, the growth for a blockchain professional would probably be faster than anybody else. You end up bloat in the industry and the lack of expertise among professionals in this at this point of time. I Shiva Yeah.

Okay, so that's the background. There are some more questions coming in.

So this program so far, we have done four rounds. This is the fifth cohort that we are starting. And we already have four cohorts that are launched. And some of the people who are part of the program are now head of


blockchain practice in Tech Mahindra cognisant Accenture kind of companies. And there are many others who have got into blockchain based projects in startups, product companies and large services companies. One of the examples is actually medicine. We have five member group in the for the first cohort who launched this

product in the market. This is a use case on medical that is healthcare related supply chain management.

Use Case, farm blog again about pharmacy and now this is between b2b between manufacturers and distributors in the healthcare sector. The interesting part is these two were actual projects that we printed in that

in their class as part of the program, right and they've got evolved into a startup idea. Zero rocks now, here comes summit.

Why don't you talk about pseudo blocks and what you're doing?


So beyond zero blocks we are trying to connect.

Just Just hold on sorry. I think I've been very, I should be very direct here. So it is one of the founders of zero blocks. And so I'm requesting him to go ahead, please go ahead. No, that's perfectly I mean, anything for learning. So

like, so at zero block. So we are a real estate solutions company. And we are also in to product consulting. And so the main

the current product or the platform that we are working on and zero blocks is collecting early stage investors with real estate developers. And we are using aetherium as a blockchain platform for a solution for us where and most of the data gets online so that we do not have you issues such as double sell or there's like clarity in the kind of sales or all the numbers are recorded.

There is no hanky kind of a business in the real estate field where in

the investor confidence is the most primary primary thing for any investors to put the money and so everything is open and public domain. Any investor can have a go and have a look at it. What is the price he has invested? What's the exit and all

sorts of that's a brief about zero blocks and treater. I saw a few questions coming up. So can you answer them? Sure. Please go ahead. Yeah, there were a few questions related to how do we start?

Social media and blockchain and all? Yes, that's a huge Yeah. So that's a huge kind of a concept that we are talking one here, but I could very well tell you like once you are part of this program, you will easily have answer for such kind of questions because you this is the kind of discussion we had in the classroom. And the group were together and again, by

Look at the social media there could be another things like how do you give star ratings? How do you make sure people get incentivize, then there is a platform already in the terms of media space wherein the chief mentor suneel is a part of that project. But you know, platform. So there are many things that are happening and these are like, large

kind of projects we do. The other thing that I would like to mention is like there are many people who are talking about I'm a fresher, then there's like few people who are already into six years or 10 years of experience. And they are like confused, like, see blockchain like a technology when three that already talked about it, that a person cannot do anything all by himself or herself. So I can give you an example in the classroom sessions or whenever we had the capstone project. The fields were divided into groups and each group had a person who was at the experience of a management

A developer or tester, or from various different backgrounds that people were into it. So that even gave us a sense of a complete 360 degree understanding to the very problem. For example, I come from a business background, wherein I think from a business solution or business consulting kind of an approach, and I'm, I'm okay for everything. But maybe a developer can tell me whether that's possible or not possible, because for coming from sales and business side, everything is possible for me. I just want it to be done up there. And then we have someone from

the other side who tells me like he puts his foot down, it's not possible. So it's not only like a person with a specific background comes in and does a part for this blockchain. There could be a front end developer and a front end developer is absolutely necessary for a product to come out in the market or else I just have my back end ready and I have done all my stuff ready and there is no content I cannot sell my stuff. So each and every role is very important beef, whatever background but what we have to understand yours, we understand the holistic picture about this

You should learn about the problem.

Great. That's that's really useful. I mean, I think that's a very important part. I mean, in fact, I was just talking to my son before getting into the class, right? And he just finished his plus two and his commerce to that. And he wants to become a footballer, right? I want to start his career in football. And you know, with the current situation, there is no practice that's possible, academics are closed. And, you know, what he's doing is learning AI and machine learning and data science.

Why is me if I have to become a football coach or analyst tomorrow, unless I know these things, I can't use it for the future. Right? I think each year I mean, this is pretty extreme, right? I'm talking about sports. So every area requires every technology that is coming up today. Right. So coming to some other questions that has come very interesting questions are there. How is it useful in Project operations of real estate?

You have any thoughts on that?

Yeah, when we talk about operations as such, see, basically what happens is real estate is there is like lack of trust when a person goes in to buy your property or buy a piece of land or buy a piece of parcel and to make important decision that always go goes with the heart. For example, if anyone wants to buy a house, then it's it's more of an emotional connect to that investment, at least in India, wherein people have a very big thing like I have bought a house in my lifetime. So what we make sure is like any such kind of investments are clean, and everything is tracked. We make sure like, all the required prerequisites and everything is taken care of. Now, people would also talk about reira coming into the picture. This is obviously a very good thing, but we just make sure that even that is taken care of, because as an end user, people may not know many things that are already associated with the industry in itself, the domain expertise, you may call it Yeah.

Look at all this thing. But the primary issue.

Real Estate space stage investments, just ensuring that the title is clear is a big, big big area problem which is waiting to be solved. Right? Is that an encumbrance or not? is a big problem to be solved? Is the approval from MD document as obtained or not as?

Similarly, when you really look at the project management of it and the right, see, let's look at it somebody asked me about the project management of real estate, it's a supply chain problem.

Right? Again, that needs to be solved. So each of those have various requirements.

Right, and then each of those have various requirements, and each of them needs a solution from technology, and some of those blockchain will definitely solve. Right. So let's let's come back here. Right. I think there are some questions.

There's a question on Telecom. Yeah. Yeah. He

So the for Telecom, there's a interesting use case that's going on. It's not a use case, it's actually very near to production wherein the Do Not Disturb facility is being implemented rolled out across India, wherein all the telecom operators have come together on the consortium. And now they have come up with a solution like they would have a central database kind of thing, wherein all the dinner Do Not Disturb entries or numbers would be keyed in. So, even if one person moves from one operator to another operator, even in terms of porting or anything, he he or she won't be disturbed, unless and otherwise he is enabled himself. So, that is one you shouldn't that's coming up in Telecom.

Yeah, I think telecom also has multiple that value added services, video access and other stuff. Also, there are a lot of interesting use cases being worked on blockchain. So Julie's coming up with its own kind of complete solution. Yeah. Good. There are other questions like for example,

But okay, does it mean that you don't need to work? Okay, maybe is asking some question. Let's leave need to do the personal part of it out. Softer language. See, let me clarify here. If somebody is pretty decent in logic,

coding can be learned in the mixed.

Right? It's not not a

What do you call rocket science, as they say, number one. Number two, the coding for the program is unclear depending on which level you want to be you want to become a developer or you want to become a business solver, right. As I said in my earlier slides, we talk about enabling both tracks. We expect even the management people to understand how coding is done not necessarily write all lines of code. The other way is, the quarter should know what the business problem that we are going to solve. Clearly it is the intersection of these two is where the real value is one alone without the other other in

areas like blockchain, where the team sizes are not hundreds and thousands like Java and others, right? These are small teams with all everything together in today's context, and it could become big indie slow that you are going to climb as a technology which we saw in the beginning of the presentation. So in that background,

understanding Cory we do refresher classes to ensure that people get ready for it. And from then on, it is just that I will cover trends of code, you will have done so

as part of the program.

I think as a part of program we had done like, I mean, to be very frank, I had just written like 40 lines of code. That was like mandatory but I was more primarily concentrating on the business side of it. Yes, and I am sure the coder in your team would have done how many lines of code and that was large. I mean, believe me, it was like large, large fortune 500 I guess it wasn't thousands because he had done multiple

projects, okay, your three projects, right? So each of them would have got. So it's a it's a T. Next, understand there's a huge difference between

writing a code and understanding a technology. Right? And then their work should be used. That's I think extremely important in every technology. I just give up. I'm a cricket fan and I would like to go through that example. I'm sure all of us are used to one day cricket, the colored dress and stuff cameras and mics and stuff like that. But all these were new 20 years back. Channel Nine in Australia first came out with the small camera inside the stump to show the batsman and the bowlers approach, right. It was amazing. And I remember very clearly remember one interview. In an interview the channel line was asked saying that How are you so innovative right. You've got such a

Long Beach stumped camera in place and stuff like that. The answer was something which I cannot forget and I have been using it for last 20 years in my career. The answer is he said is this camera is available for anybody, somebody is using for technology for

surveillance somebody is doing for security, I have used it for improving user experience.

That viewer experience of cricket technology is different, not something new. Right. I'm using it for the right purpose which makes it much more valuable for people looking at

Of course, for a security professional using it for security is highly valuable and not diluting. So it is the usage and how to use what technology there is the most important skill, a tech professional and a business professional need to know today because there is cannot be a business in today's world without technology.

Right and

There is clearly without going Business Technology cannot be used effectively. Right? So that's what we try to do in programs like this and other programs that we do. So when we really look at it from that angle, just stop my screen and

when I look at it from that angle,

yep, technology which is like blockchain which is good too, which is just about getting into the prime area from the business side of it. It is important that the early adopters are all around us. Somebody I mean it is like it is like

it is like ensuring that yes, I'm very good in batting but every every person in the team will bad everybody will at least roll that almond ball but somebody is very good in Bowling somebody who's very good at batting, right each one has to do other person's job. So like that one has to approacher technology materialistic

After that, it opens up and there are specializations for

right I am only a coder, I'm only a tester, I want the user interface designer I only a business solution provider as an analyst, right, I only managed projects. So, from that point of view, we really look at

exposure to all participants for the coding side for the business side and ensuring that the project gets done in the scheme of things as per the use case that has been defined and these use cases are largely industry ready use cases. Right. So we would like to comment on industry readiness of those use cases a year certainly I was also looking at the code few questions here. The last question was like, how can we implement for stock market? Now, this was the solution that we had given and three that you had grilled us for the capstone project for this wherein we had worked on. So this is specific, this answer specific to the implementation of for the stock market platform

So, we had worked on a capstone project or real time settle near real time settlement. When we were planning to get the transaction time from P three to P one if people understand this. And when Sridhar being a finance expert, like, had grilled us properly in it, luckily we came, we pass the program, or healthier like really? So having talked about the CS, all of the capstone project, or the white paper that we do, the discussions that we have, are like completely market ready or something that we can easily pick up from there and take it to the market. If I'm not wrong. The Aslan medicine has also come out from the platform. Yeah, yeah. And I just would like to add another thing from the questions that are coming up. So there is also question wherein people do not have experience to coding. So during our batch, there were a few people who had come from the pharma background. There were like few participants, I had met them in Mumbai and they have started their own law firm. So they

Lawyers by profession decoded the blockchain training. So they had zero knowledge about it. And they were planning to implement blockchain solutions for law. Yeah. setting that we should have a blockchain and treated. There's another question that's coming up from our kin, wherein is asking about 20 years experience guy in real estate project operations? Yes. Ah, that's an interesting question. I think they're really specific and I'm sure we need to discuss that. But clearly, let's understand one thing is blockchain in the core, blockchain as a technology is required to is enabled or automates trust.

Right, if I have to look at areas where trust is the most important metric,

and blockchain can help us automate the trust the industry will grow. For example, when National Stock Exchange came in for the equity markets

The trust rate very high because everything was digital, everything was happening and things, the market volumes expanded tenfold. What is the real challenge in the real estate world? Think about it.

The biggest challenge is trust.

Right? I'm not a domain expert for me to talk about it in detail. But as a customer of a real estate, I suppose some who managed my own building my flat link my independent house or whatever, I think through all this lifecycle of real estate, the trust deficit is extremely high.

Okay, I'm

hence a technology which will automate trust and make it easy, should be able to solve the problem provided the business use case definition is very, very straight and highly clear.

Right from that point of view, I

Ideally find the areas where

trust needs to improve and make make it highly scalable. I think real estate is one of them supply chain is one of them. And hence and in fact, even even the elections is one of them. Like if you really look at the use cases, these are the use cases that blockchain is going to be or promises to be, yeah. viable technology solution for somebody who is able to position the problem statement effectively with domain understanding.

Okay, so let's let's I think there are some people who have raised their hands. I will ask vishesh to please unmute yourself and ask your question.

Michelle, are you there?

You can unmute yourself, please.

Miss Yes, we can't hear you.

Okay, while we wait for recess I am requesting

get them to

unmute. Hi, Kara, can you hear us?

I can

go ahead ask a question.


I'm still just working my head off as to Nope. Let's say there was a person with the full stack background, having fair amount of domain knowledge and love the challenge that we kind of know in industry experiences they I have the skill, but I don't know how they mind the problem statements. Yes. or flip side somebody comes up with the

Idea every other second, but doesn't take it forward, because he lacks the underlying skills that are required to make it in real time. So,

so there is always this hit and misses. So

not a question, but probably a complementary

search for this audiences. I was looking at your participation split, right? The experience and the mix of people. So I think that that would bridge this gap of you have technology, maybe I have some management expertise versus I have a problem can how can we all work together? Right. So that is what I'm looking for. And by the way, I have opted for the cohort in September, so I'm really, really excited. Yes. Nice. Nice to have you on the session. And good to have you speak here. Yes, I think one of the feedbacks that we have been getting on all of our programs

and specifically blockchain program is the

peer group effectiveness and I think you probably articulated it better than that sentence as far right? different people with different experience and different expertise, come together and solve a one single problem statement. And that is, I think, highly valuable and closely reflects a worker on

a project is that there is a executive sponsor, which is in the leadership role. There is a manager who's the execution and ensuring that the project management role, there are analysts who do research and coming up with background and understanding and how to do it and what happens when, and there's somebody who actually develops it. And all of them work together to really solve the problem. And I think that's, that's where I think this program. Thankfully, we have been lucky to get the right set of people to join and come in and create a value proposition not only for our program, but more importantly for themselves and their startups as well.

But hey, maybe as a follow up question, straight away, I asked this one last thing, please go ahead.

I have, in fact attended the last briefing webinar as well, right? I see most of the accomplishments on the, let's say, business application or the DAP site. But has there been any submission or any projects around the underlying platform itself? Like any technology core technology?

And that's a real long drawn issue that our team works with teams working on it. Right. But I think it's in its What do you say working stage and not to be published? I think there are. I also present I think that there are two startups in the pipeline. Right. One of them is working on this, while I will not be able to expose their names and things like that. So do you have one to share anything about this? Yes, certainly. So I know a person who was from our batch and he was

He's also, he's also part of our team.

So we're in, he's already working on few of the core areas. And he's also signed up, signed himself for the Linux Foundation and all and aetherium aetherium Foundation if I'm not wrong, and he is coming up with a proof of concept, so I cannot name or I cannot disclose more into it, which kind of proof of concept and all but he is going into the core of the architecture of blockchain technology as such. And I believe, like, a couple of months down the line, he's also planning to apply for a patent for it. Yeah.

Thank you submit industry that that helps. Thanks, Karen. Thanks a lot. Now I request the stage to unmute himself.


Hello, yes.

You're not audible wishes. Can you be closer to the mic? Hello. Yeah, he's

a little feeble, but that's okay. We'll make

Sir basically I belong from Digital Marketing fee regard and the main objective to do this course is to create my own cryptocurrency okay. So I just wanted to understand that is it okay for me to do this course to create the my own cryptocurrency

okay. So, let the Yahoo wishesh widget show what I would tell you is like you have got very good background in terms of why you should be joining the teacher, the blockchain course as such, because there are many use cases underlying use cases in your field as well. wherein we talk about the kind of likes the kind of marketing how do we remunerate the users who look into the videos and these kind of use cases are still there. These are open

and when you talk about creating a cryptocurrency, yes, you will be in a position to create a cryptocurrency there are many legal assets

Next to it. So and there are very good people in the team like so Neil is the chairman is there then there's one more faculty. I just missed his name of aetherium. He is an expert into writing the contracts and all. So everyone would help you to create one

program and go far beyond that and be able to certainly I guess this is just the first part of it when he specifically wanted that was the reason I told him like there are many other use cases as well, or you can do, of course, sir, but I don't have any background in coding.

That's what we discussed multiple times. I think you should see let's understand why. I as long as you can read a code and understand what it's supposed to do.

Okay, I take help of people who are coders and finished the open part of it. See, let's understand, we are not here teaching a skill of coding. This is not a skills program. This is an extra

This program,

right skills can be learned how to use Excel is a very important skill. But I don't need to build an expertise on that. But the moment I say blockchain, I need expertise to understand what I should use where and how and which kind of problems and how do I implement solutions for it. So when you really look at from that background, that's what See I mean, if one of the many of the property of the professor's have trouble at work there, there's one favorite sentence they use our programs is not for your next job. Our programs is for your last job in your area.

Right, that's the centers they use. It's not just an extra, because what you learn is not a skill that you build an expertise and you'll be able to use that to build your career. Right. I the skills required we have to come like for example, which is the shortcut for

Sending a file in Excel nobody knows today

that was the most important skill and notice this right. So, the skill is useful and that is what will help you get your immediate job or get your job done. But the basic understanding of what the technology can do, how it does what it does and that you should use for the maximum impact

is what you will learn in this program.

Thank you.

Okay, so now watch Shiva I have a query please raise your hand Shiva and I will request you to go ahead I think I think your name is something else on the screen.

Yeah, please go ahead. Is that Shiva?

Sir, yes, sir. Okay, so this

is virtual

So actually set up the matrix here. Okay? So is this blockchain is very good for me and I want to know how it will travel. I'll start my career with this one sir

sorry can you just be clear I didn't really get the second part of the question but I actually have admin protection so it says floxin is very good for me or as data is good for me I want to know sir

it's like this. I have completed I am athlete Should I get into football? cricket?

So that's a question for an individual to have to really understand right?

If you really look at it, you if you want to be Alexander a different way of asking question, do you want to be in a startup or a setup company a large company you want to get into? Right? Some people will say Boss, I want to get started to get into the last company even if I do very, very small portion, and insignificant portion I'm happy. Somebody else will say

I would prefer to be in startup I want to be exposed to the whole thing, right? Frankly in terms of mindset, right? A person who wants to be in startup kind of an activity blockchain is in that stage while data science is not big brother stage right. So, you need to decide based on your inclinations.

Right when I started my career, I decided saying that big companies is not for me, I want to work with small companies.

So that I can grow faster.

When you start your career, you may have heard of us and it is dependent on that there is no way I can say data sciences better than blockchain or vice versa. Not not because we run both programs, but it depends on the individuals with their banks and their expectations.

And on those lines, could also add to it wherein if

if the participant is very good, with

The coding part of it are the languages offered then very well he could even if these are pressure he could be a part of the program wherein he could join as a developer, a blockchain developer in any of the companies. That is definitely there. And of course all big companies towards a small practice blockchain practices are

asked to take my head was one of the largest blockchain practice and practice it, as I think almost every batch he has

interacted with off our program.

Every friend of talentsprint leader they have also picked up many people from I guess all of all the batches. Absolutely many of those freshers and experienced guys all's well. And for five to 10 year experience there. So there are big companies getting into this in a very serious way. Right. And I'm sure there are there's potential there. But in terms of technology, one is growing and other is reasonably well set. So based on that, you can decide which one suits you

Okay, so I have a digit wanting to ask a question a digit, please go ahead.

vishesh can you mute yourself if you don't mind?

digit, please go ahead. Can you unmute yourself and go ahead.

Hi, good evening. Sridhar, can you hear me? Yes. Very good. Yep. Sridhar so I have like a couple of questions. Okay. The first one is regarding the program. Okay. So as Sumit mentioned a couple of times in his, like, in his, like, when he was speaking that he was mainly like, helped by the concept of classroom courses. Okay. And as I'm aware that due to COVID-19 and we are following online classes, okay, so I have participated in machine learning, classroom courses and AI ml classroom courses, and I had experienced a lot of like, the advantages of attending classroom courses are more than online classes. So I won't

I understand that in your current program right how to tackle this problem, okay. So, let me just clarify here this program is focused on executive at running classroom programs for people across the country with one could mighty hydropower is not practical, the program is select understand there is a huge difference between the world classroom is recorded classes. Our program and the whole DVD of this program will be interacting live classes like this session.

Right? Okay. It is a lie. It's a synchronous, that top faculty comes into the class at the appointed time. There is a cohort there is a structured delivery schedule and you follow the children

not just now not because of covid even before this, the program had six months out for adoption program then now we made it six month football program which was delivered 85% digitally

90% digitally 10% people came physically to a project workshop together.

Now the project workshop also has to happen online. There is no choice because of the current situation. Right now, this is not our platform comes into being right talentsprint has built a very, very strong digital platform we call it I pulled RTI whenever you're free, please go to the website. This platform of course, we developed for our own requirements of programs like this, just for your information we could they do eat programs, right in executive education. AML and blockchain with the play key are the first two which I explained to you allow you to run three programs with I am Kolkata, FinTech. Then we do a program on a public marketing and we do have just launched a program on global economy and

we are running a program with Indian Institute of Science India's number one university and institution on digital health. Right. We are doing a program with it. control on

on cybersecurity, all these programs are running on this platform. And I'm happy to also announce that I am Calcutta as MBA program because they got used to this platform is being delivered on this track. And this platform will enable you to do things which is immersive, similar to what I would say rigor that you would have had in a physical

right physical classroom is useful for the rigor and that rigor continues in this particular program, or is it on the digital delivery model? It will start in cohorts on the day first few weeks itself the classes will be formed in two groups, the groups will start working, it will be Yes, except physically you don't meet each other. You continue doing your work the Raiders.

Submit you'd like to add anything to this

I certainly, like argit articulated in a way where we would like to have the physical classes and that, that sounds better. But being online is the new thing. I mean, be it training or even the production kind of environments that we are working on. Everyone's like working from home. So we currently we do not have that luxury point number one. And when we look at the kind of course, and kind of the way it has been formulated, it's like each team is divided. And then the team comes together and we are working. So it's not only like a three or four hours the class we that we were in the physical existence, even post that we used to connect over the phone and do the solutions work on the solutions, and all so yes, I mean, there's a minor thing to it when we connect in person, but I would suggest like 95% of the time we were even virtual in those kinds of days. Okay, yeah, I think I think that it's time that all of us learn to work remotely because the end of the day this is becoming an

Normal and making it as effective as it should have should be. We'll continue with respect to what is the mode of delivery or mode of interaction? Right. And we have seen it enough. Right. I read last program was the second boot camp was supposed to be in physical and it went online and it is equally effective and the Net Promoter scores and the feedback from participants and the effectiveness in terms of starting startups and job impact for people have been equally good. Sorry, while I take additional questions, we are already one hour plus and this I'm launching a poll for feedback. Please give you an answer while we take some more questions. Okay, so originators done can understand well, Paul Raj, would you like to ask the question?

Please go ahead.

I'll put while you're asked a question on what you should read before the program starts after you enroll. You will get a login where you can explore various things on a

Reading for the program. There are pretty interesting things that you can prepare before we get into the program. And similarly, I think Assad bH Serbia, I don't remember I don't I can't find out. He's asking about

how Emory deep, deep learning and data science and blockchain collaborate. There are a lot of projects that are being done on this. See, blockchain

is a framework while machine learning is an algorithm. Right? And these two needs to work with each other. Cloud away similarly is a framework right? How the data comes in how the data of sanity check is what blockchain does, right? And how trust is created through the technologies what blockchain does. And

data being as critical as it is today, coming from a trusted source will be highly valuable and curated for data science and AI and machine learning. So there are many projects that are happening on this

I'm sure that's the future. That's going to be a feeder quicker input over here. Even I'm working with one of the participants of AI ml of law to bill it. And talentsprint verint. We are coming together to form a solution for his startup. So he's working on e commerce platform. So we are coming together. It's in a way early stage, but yes, I mean, six months down the line when you call me for the next quad, I could talk about it. Good. Great, because Raj wants to ask a question that while you're on um, you're not. You can speak now please.


Okay. Yes.


I see people, it's disturbing. But please go ahead. I think we can hear you. Yes. Good evening. Good evening to both of you.

I think it's a very great knowledge I get I can get from your webinar, and it's really satisfied my

Most of the question but I still have a few more confusion in my mind that is, I am from civil engineering background and I completed my B tech B tech and now I'm looking for like right I'm looking for a government job right. But this technology is giving me a another kind of attraction to go for the machine learning or some do not from a software background or I can say developer background, all I can say coding background, but I still am getting attraction towards this.

So, what is so I just want to know in this if I am not doing any kind of thing, but I still I want to go for a blockchain the blockchain thing, right. So, I have this certain question regarding like, you told me about real estate, if there is a trustless kind of thing you are going to use this blockchain. So is there another part is also in that civil engineering part? So where we can use blockchain technology

so we do have some


Well, I'm in just a few thoughts over here. See, when we talk about trust and all it also depends on the kind of material that we are going to use when we are specifically talking about the civil engineering side of it, the kind of material then there's a supply chain, again associated to civil engineering, like the kind of material that comes in the invoicing behind it,

the quality of the material that is being used. So all this could also become a solution in terms of a court civil engineering kind of a platform, or else tomorrow, when specifically Nirmal Naples, sorry, we are looking at a government job. So maybe tomorrow what you could do is all these business building plants and all would be put up in a blockchain solution for the government of the particular state that you would be working with. So you could come up with such kind of a solution. Yeah, I think

I've already done extensive using blockchain for government and IIT Bombay has come up with a very good program. They are working with

a premier Institute in Pune and they are coming up with this landscaping

But I mean, how do you land registry and on registry IIT Bombay is doing it. So a lot of areas, Nepal, but what I would suggest is maybe we can have a private call on this because there's very specific requirement and I'm sure we can take that

if that's fine with you, thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for your cup. Yeah. Talking to you. Rocky is asking about I applied to an MBA in supply chain management and shaped my career from civil engineering a lot of civil engineers. Incidentally, our CTO is a civil engineer from IIT Kanpur.

This is also related to business can directly take this course without doing an MBA, simply understand it the difference between an MBA and a Certificate course are very different. Right one takes two years. That is, again, not it's an academic program.

If your objective is to gain knowledge, specifically in supply chain, and use use cases, this program will be sufficient but you

Want to become a world manager? Looking at various parts of it? This is not a management course. These two are not compatible. But supply chain being the point of integration between the two. And that's an area of focus.

how technology can disrupt supply chain, how the future of supply chain is going to be? And can you be part of it is something which you can definitely learn on this program. I can't say about the whole thing of management

venkata huangshi Krishna is asking about the color integration of blockchain with other applications.

Sorry, I mean, I could take it up as it is, right. Yeah. One thing that I guess we have to also understand when we are looking into a blockchain program or a blockchain solution is we are not going to change the entire landscape of a product or solution. So the existing systems would always stay in place or will be in place and this would be an addition or this would be more like an improvement to the existing systems. Yeah. When we talk about the

integration. Yes. I mean, we wouldn't be specifically thought about how do we integrate with the ER p system or not. But conceptually, yes, we would be. And there are experts in the classroom and of mentors and all who would help us out even after the program.

Yeah, so I think it's really understand right, but see, there is always a starting point and any boundaries for each program. Right. The objective of this program is to help you deploy a blockchain solution. Right. But the good part of blockchain is even for that matter, yeah, machine learning and other areas, which are new areas, these are open source,

which means there's enough people across the globe working on integrating each of this with data requirements, right. And so this the sea of data that are knowledge that you will have in this will grow from time to time, right. If somebody has to

On aetherium or hyper ledger with some GRP solution. I'm sure it's going to be available in the open source market. So, in my view, I think this is not a primary objective of the program. It will help you create a blockchain application and deploy it. Integration is not part of the program. But though

it's open innovation process that's available in the market for blockchain enables that for more effective.

Okay, somebody is asking I'm an educationist and IT professional. I mean, I think he asked about himself and for his daughter as well. We I think, as part of the faculty development initiative of propriety isobar Yes, small portion of the seats are reserved for faculty of other colleges.

Right. If you are interested in that, we can definitely explore that as an activity. And we can explore that. And this program is not for schools for college students or school students. This program is for working professionals by definition, and hence

now I enhance I think, for the person who's doing it, but it's a great

thought from your end. This program doesn't take people who are not currently working. And it's, I can take exceptions but doing it well standards student is not properly proper for this just broke down because we want that mix of people, working professionals, the leaders and

developers working together and it will be uncomfortable for the student herself or himself.

Good. I think this I think that is a survey that I have posted. I hope people have responded to it. I only see 15

Listen to woods, why don't we just get others to work for it? And then we can close the session. I think we have spent 15 minutes beyond schedule. Thanks so much for all your input Simon, highly useful. You have been very involved. And I think I'm sure the team participants in the group, how long but if you're going out of it, there's somebody raising their hand, I can't read his name. Let me allow

the person to introduce himself or herself and go ahead

91805 I see somebody with that name.

Chandra Prakash is asking a very interesting question. How do you get transferred blockchain I we will have a marketing course separately and we will discuss it that if you don't mind

off okay. Some people are saying they are not able to see the survey. I'll relaunch the poll.

No, I can't be launch it.


And Susan, you are in the call, can you just share the Unity they can reach out to and so that if there's any specific questions,


Yeah, I already shared my mobile number and share my email ids really also so that you aren't any questions me and sweet can

come on time and answer them. Thanks, everybody for the nice introduction and session. And thanks so much for all your time and inputs. Look forward to see the part and his intercession when we launch and how great

thank you so good. Thank you so much for that and good luck for all the participants. Design if you would like if anyone comes back to you, maybe you could also, you could feel free to share my number or email address if any of the participants would like to have a one on one chocolate shot. Sure. Thank you so much.

Thanks a lot. Bye, everyone.

Watch the entire interview here

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