DHAI Event Aug10

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Held on August 10, 2020 @ 5:30 PM

Ask me Anything: Digital Health and Imaging by IISc and TalentSprint

Aritro Bhattacharyya
Sr. Director

With this recorded version of the webinar, hear from Aritro Bhattacharya, Sr. Director-TalentSprint on how DeepTech is taking Healthcare to a whole new level. Further, how IISc and TalentSprint together are contributing to help professionals at the intersection of Healthcare and Technology adapt to the evolving Digital Health ecosystem.

Watch Webinar Recording

About Advanced Certification Programme in Digital Health and Imaging

Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), with its expertise in multi-disciplinary science offers Advanced Certification Programme in Digital Health and Imaging. Delivered in association with TalentSprint, this executive friendly in-depth and comprehensive programme is best suited for professionals creating cutting edge technology solutions in eHealth, Personalized Healthcare, BioTech, Medical Devices, Wearables, Digital Therapeutics and more.

Event Transcript

Exciting Careers in Digital Health in a Post Pandemic World

Hi, good evening, everybody. Thank you for joining us today. My apologies. We started a minute, minute and a half late not usually used to doing this, but

some tech, not tech name, some internet issues. My apologies for that. Just would like to understand if you can see the screen, and you can hear me. Can you guys just put an A yes in the chat window. Excellent. Thank you. So I've been receiving a lot of yeses. So I guess we are good to go. So we have,

what we'll do is we'll just wait for one more minute. It's 534 by my watch over here. We I will start my video at around 535 in a minute. We'll just have a few more people joining in. I'm been receiving a lot of requests from my team to wait for some more time. So just wait for some more people to join in and we'll get started in

Just about a minute, minute and a half from now. Thank you for your patience. So just hold on, we're going to get started right away.

Well, it's 535 we can get started right away. So Good evening, everybody. Thank you for coming down today to attend this ama session that we've planned.

My name is Ernesto Bhattacharya. I'm Senior Director at talentsprint. In my book at talentsprint over here is primarily leading all of the admissions for the executive programs.

I have more than 10 years of experience and in my time, in my professional work line of work,

I have primarily helped organizations I've helped professionals recruit upskill themselves and make better career choices. So before this, I have worked with the Indian School of Business where I used to lead admissions for the flagship PG

program. I have also helped out with the advanced program in Advanced Management Program in healthcare, as well as a part of the admissions team. And before that I have worked with Pearson, which is the world's largest publisher, in terms of again, working with a lot of companies, leading companies, including many pharma companies

like Astra Zeneca, Milan, and a couple of others, to help them upskill their professionals to help upskill their employees in various aspects, both in terms of technology as well as in terms of the other software aspects

of professional life. So that's me. What I'm going to do is that I have a couple of slides that I want to share with everybody and then we will open it up to more of an interactive session. After I am done sharing

One thing that I had happened was that I was hoping to have one of the faculty Join me for the program for the session today, unfortunately, thanks to some last minute scheduling issue, you know, we could not get the program director, the main program director, Dr. Fernando kalavati, to join us, but no worries, what we will do is, I am going to use technology and we are going to hear his perspective in terms of, you know, what is it that this program is all about? So, this is kind of, you know, trying to make my life a little easier, and I'm sure you know, why you would like to hear from him. I'll try and see, you know, I'll try and make it happen, so to speak. So that's, that's the primary agenda. So in terms of any questions that you have, my only request to all of you would be to hold on to your question.

We will have a dedicated q&a section where we can get all your questions you can either come online, I allow you to speak, you can ask your questions verbally, as well as you can send your questions through the chat window. So that's that's those are some of the small Chromebooks that I thought, you know, we will set up I and I'm sure you know, if required, I'll spend some extra time to answer all your questions. If I'm not if we're not able to answer that during the session. Else you can always you know, write to us. So, before we get started, I mean, I'm sure a lot of you may know about talentsprint for those who don't know about talentsprint We are an edtech company.

You know, thanks to technology that's there. We are using technology to make lives of professionals like you easier. We partnered with top athletes

institutions. That's something that is that kind of sets us apart. We are probably the only tech company in the country that works with a top AI n that works with the top IIT that works with Dr. Blighty. And that works with the Indian Institute of Science. We are the only tech company that's there that does that. So for example, the Indian Institute of Science program, we've just launched something about the digital health and imaging. We're all here to kind of understand about that the opportunities that are there. We also work with Im Calcutta in terms of programs on artificial intelligence in marketing. There's a program on blockchain and in financial services, there's a program on global economy and digital money. It can call we work with them on a program on cybersecurity. Triple it again, Ben hydroblasting. We work with them in

in AI ml blockchain.

etc. So we professionals choose us because we offer very unique programs, niche programs. Like for example, there isn't a program like the digital health and imaging program that we will be talking about in detail in India at the moment. So it's a very niche program. But the fact of the matter is, the program existed in the form of the Indian Institute of Science, getting a lot of requests for training in this from companies. I'm going to talk a little bit about that as well. So that's that's one part we also work with top corporations in the world beat a Google Beat automation anywhere to train college students, and these college students then go about

and they work with these companies, again in deep tech. So one common theme that we work on is is deep tech beat in health care, be it and finance beat in cybersecurity.

etc. So that's, that's, that's one space that we've really focused on. And you're gonna, as time goes on, we're gonna kind of diversify into more programs. So that's, that's just a bit about talentsprint. We also have a great learning platform and if any of you have enrolled for this program, you guys bill, you are in for a great experience, because the program the platform itself is a patented platform. It will be used as a part of the IAC delivery if and it's currently being used by IIT, Kanpur and Calcutta and a couple of other IITs also towards building towards running the programs that they have with us, but the if in case of iron, Calcutta, they will use this platform ipoll.ai that we have to run their main MBA program, which is a great testament to the fact that you

They chose this platform to replace the classroom learning and thanks to the current pandemic that we are in,

you know, schools and classes all are closed. So that's, that's a bit about, you know, us. So we work over there as well in terms of technology, and all of that. So that's where we are. Now. Let's get into, you know, the the subject at hand for today. This was, you know, one of Steve Jobs, one of the great visionaries of our time. And he put out this statement, I think, almost 1010 years, 1213 years back, which is where he was talking about the intersection of biology and technology. This was right at the time when the Apple Watch Series yadi I think he was just before it was, I think at the conception of the Apple Watch Series. It was in an interview and

He was talking about biology and technology and that's that's a very important thing because right now if you look at health care, you can kind of replace the biology part with healthcare and technology and that's, that's a very important aspect of you know, healthcare right now is the is the amount of technology and the impact that technology is having on healthcare. So this is this is the start I thought we will start off with this and it's it's so true that right now you have technology, changing healthcare, technology, making lives easier technology making healthcare more affordable, more accessible at a rate which has never happened before. I mean, I VRI sure we are all praying for the vaccine for coronavirus to come out soon. If it happens. It will be the first time in human history that you will have a vaccine for a disease which did not exist before.

Usually, I'm sure many of you would know that, you know, it's a very time taking process. I believe the Ebola vaccine took about the Viana Ebola vaccine, I think the polio vaccine took around 40 years to make. If we are able to do that from in a year, year and a half Stein, that will be a great achievement for all humankind, and it's only going to be thanks to technology.

So digital health when when we talk about digital health, it's it's always you know, this, this, it's a broad term which which, which takes care of which which encompasses a lot of broader areas, you know, there is big data, there is genomics, there's artificial intelligence, all that is actually a part of digital health. And Gone are those days when, you know, people can just say that digital health um, you know, I'm just going to look at my practice in a silo and I'm going to be able to

to progress over here, that's not true. And that's why the reason for us

getting into this program and try and getting to learn something at this stage in, in, in terms of,

of the economy in terms of where we are as as humankind, is the fact that this is fundamentally going to alter the way in which things happen. It's already doing it. I have some examples that I'm going to be talking about, of use cases that are happening. So it's a very broad term that's there. And if you were to really look at it,

the it's a market that has huge potential in it. There are things like, you know, we talk about using ICT is you know, information communication technology, for improving medical diagnosis for for giving out.

You know, better

monitoring of chronic diseases, improving treatment outcomes. Now, these are things that are possible thanks to use of technology. Now and this is something which is which is there and use of ICT use of technology in healthcare, healthcare has always had some adverse aspects of technology. But But this aspect of technology is something that that is fundamental with with you know, big data coming in with artificial intelligence coming in. You have

you have such changes which have never happened before. So, and I'm gonna just gonna talk about this you know, 140 4 billion USD was the size of the market which has, which is growing at a CAGR of 27%. And, and, and the fact of the matter is, this sector is not only about doctors, the sector actually requires you not

technology professionals because

it's it's because if you want to make changes if you are if you want to grow the technology that is required, you need tech professionals to actually work and bring out those solutions. Whatever we are seeing in the market in terms of technology and all are something that tech professionals are working in bringing. So the one big

misnomer or misconception that I would want to address is the fact that people think that whenever we are talking about digital health or health care, we are only talking about doctors we are only talking about pharmacists, we are only talking about nurses and hospitals. It is a big misnomer, some of the hospitals these

these these technologies, these changes the technology that is there is powering is is being used by it folks, and this program by Let's call digital healthcare and imaging deep

Biggest consumer of this program is are actually going to be technology professionals and not healthcare professionals there is not a program, which only doctors can use, because there are aspects of the program which have technology for which you need to have, you know, basic technology skills there. And this market and the healthcare market is the only market in the world which has not slowed down, which has not had a D growth in the past 40 years. So, the sector has been growing worldwide and it's no surprise it's something that is there we are humans we are bound to fall in. We are and we need to get cured. So this is one sector, which will grow in the future which is growing in the future. I mean, the pandemic that is there. I don't need to tell you the amount of investments that are happening across which also opens up huge opportunities for everybody who's a part of this

Now if I would look at it, this slide over here on the screen primarily talks about the amount of spend that organizations are going to make in terms of upskilling themselves or in terms of upskilling employees, in organizations, whether they are a part of that and the kind of budgets that they have to spend. So if you were to look at it, this was a Dun and Bradstreet survey that was done a couple of years back. healthcare and medical services, or companies that are an allied services for health care, will spend the maximum amount of time as well as the maximum amount of money in the world to upskill people to get new technologies in

into their, you know, into the fold. So if you are, if you look at this from an opportunity for anybody wanting to join this, it's a huge opportunity for all of us, as professionals to be a part of this growing sector, a sector

Which is not t grown in 40 years, which which went through the 1997 Asian crisis without getting affected the 2008 economic meltdown without being affected. The current pandemic, probably the greatest pandemic that all of us are seeing in this in our lifetimes. I'm guessing none of us were there in the Great Depression that happened in the last century. And, and the scale of things was anyway, this is much bigger than the Great Depression now. So even at this point in time, health care as a sector is not being growing. So I have stacks around that as well. I'm going to talk about that in terms of the job opportunities that are available for you. I went about doing a bit of digging around, trying to figure out you know, what are the job opportunities that people have, and I'm going to be talking about that as well. So this is one sector which is not D grown, which has huge appetite for people, which is which has huge budgets, that is

billing to spend which is spends on a regular basis to upskill.

People and to, to, you know, grow. So would you want to be a part of such a sector? Now, the Genesis Okay, so I'm going to talk a little bit about the Genesis over here of why we chose to do this program and and the genesis of the program.

Why like I said, When I started, there was no program of this kind of this nature in the country at the moment. Having said that, your if your feeling is that the first cohort is going to be are going to be guinea pigs. That's wrong, because the program has existed in the Indian Institute of Science in the form of a lot of training, which has been given for leading medical equipment companies, so like, you know, amongst the largest ones like GE

Siemens healthineers

etc, they have in the past approached Indian Institute of Science and modules of this program were offered to them. And some of the all the modules of this program and we will cover the modules of the program have been covered and have been taught to people so, nobody should be under the impression that yeah, it's very novel. It's, it's, it's a novel program, you know, there's no history to it before. So it must be you know, I wouldn't want to do this. The thing is that this program has run very successfully, it continues to run in, in its silos So it used to be you know, in different silos, this program has run, and it's now looking at, you know, the, the the current scenario in the market, ISC talentsprint, failed that amalgamating these various silos into one single program. And obviously, these programs were not open to public If approved.

Crime is being run for a specific company,

that program only employees in the company who are nominated not even everybody in the company will be able to go through. And these are programs which have been run in the top companies IAC, I don't need to introduce Indian Institute of Science. You know, it's the foremost university in the country when it comes to research. In IRF, it's been ranked number one multiple years with for for, you know, the quality of research etc, people dream to get into it, anybody who's in science, so what I felt was that as a part of making

its its experience and is is huge amount of experience in terms of the amount of research that it does in the areas of medical imaging, in terms of signal processing, etc, that they felt that they would want to make this available as an executive education program. So this is so that's that's the genesis of the program.

So when we talk about the program, and and just to allay people's fears, it is not something which does not have acceptance in the market. companies pay, you know, is the top dollar to actually go and train them in the same areas where which the program covers. So that's that's the genesis of the program, in terms of agency spoke about the market requirements and any kind of, you know, opportunities that are there in mid tech companies. So what I'm going to do is, while I couldn't get hold of Professor phanindra University, today, I wanted him to come in, but then he got pulled into some conference today. So what I'm going to do is, I will do the next best thing. There was a session that he had taken a couple of weeks back. I am not too sure if anybody would have attended that. But I have some excerpts from that session where he primarily talks about, you know, why this program

The sector and he being the expert in this field, I thought I'm going to play that out for everybody's consumption. And then we can get into some of these specific market cases that are use cases, you know, opportunities that are there and then open it up for q&a. So that's going to be there. So I'm going to spend not too much time these are going to be small clips that I'm going to play out but just to make you understand who phanindra University is, he is the convener for the medical imaging group at ISC, he is, he is a full time faculty of the computational data science stream. He also is his research areas include you know, physiological signal processing, medical image processing, etc. He is done his ms from MSC from Indian Institute of Sciences Bell as well as his PhD from Dartmouth College and in us. So that's him. So what I'm going to do is I'm just going to stop sharing my screen for a minute

minute, bring up the video that I have and share the screen again.

So, so many objectives of the course is how we have put it. We thought that First, we will put our main object as a learn. Learning Objective. The learning objective is how the show has transformed the healthcare and wellness. And we are going to enable the participants who are part of this course to explain the key issues and trends in traditional health. particularly our focus is going to be on what is called as developing or emerging countries. And hopefully the participants will be able to determine the benefits and shortcomings of the current technologies, especially those which are available in digital health and imaging currently. And, and with with that, by the end of this course we the participants will be able to know

How to analyze the signal. Some of the images that are out there are common in healthcare and perform task at hand using AI and machine learning or deep learning techniques. So this is what is going to be mainly the objectives of the course. But what we would like to do is that we would like to enable people to know where is the information is available, and to give people dyersburg. I've just given introduction to these topics such as I can I get to get started on these very, very emerging topics as well. So, today when we talk about digital health, we move from a traditional healthcare which is primarily driven by the physicians or healthcare providers to something we call it as consumer. So digital health is mostly about the consumer who is like a patient are not really a patient could be a normal individual as well. And we are talking about health care which is going to be driven by

Dual Credit then by healthcare providers. So in this face, there are many things that can happen by to think about starting from like a smartphone applications, consumer renewables, and you can talk about interventions you can talk about continuous monitoring. So there are many, many different tools which are currently available and they are, they are still emerging, they are still being developed. There are still a lot of things that are happening currently. And so if you call it as tools, there are some tools which we have by which you can see on the right side of your screen, you have this continuous glucose monitoring, or something like you know, fitness, Fitbit is one example that there are electronic patient

records which are there, there are consumer applications which you can really monitor everything. And then there are these collaboration platforms, right. So you can think about like social media being one collaborative platform, the other could be like, you know,

Something between you can post your data and get an opinion on this paid to be telemedicine where you are chatting with another person who is an expert or healthcare provider. And then with this all these platforms, and as well as tools, what we would like to do is that come with an investigation. So that means that we are primarily talking about analytics based on this data, maybe some amateur visualization. So this is where the majority of the district has topology developers work, both in terms of developing the tools and platforms, and as well as performing the investigations in terms of analytics and visualizations. Of course, this doesn't distinguish from healthcare providers to the consumers. Hopefully, we are going to enable the consumer that we have all this in one single place. So then, in the medic space, serve alone, we talk about imaging, we talk about maybe three things, we talk about visualization of a lesion or a disease and there is a really magical

interpretation because of the visualization. And then primarily the third one is an older one in the diagnosis. So you can think about like ruling in a cancer or cancer. So there is some acquisition happens in imaging data, which is on the far left side here by the scanners. And there are these physicians or the conditions of radiologists who are the primary users

and the major majority of the imaging technology developers are coming between. So then that means that they take their position data to something which is which can be easily applicable. So mainly we are transforming the data which is kind of done by the scanners to move into something like an application domain. And in between this where we can we talk about competing and analysis is being one of the majority of the tasks here. And most of the emerging technology developers work in this space. So this could include as simple as storage of the data to on the way till advanced image processing application.

Artificial Intelligence applications.

So that is about roughly about Bailey we stand so that's why we are put both digital health and imaging as one single course because most of it is technology development in AI is what we are planning. And again I want to write this binary talk about this and how we talk about consumer products. So we are no longer talking about in the space of healthcare, we need space so because even our clinics and the Consumer Electronics Show which is the one of the biggest shows of the kinds of products has a dedicated discharge at summit. And and so for example, for this year, it has happened between January 7 and can

and if you really look at it, whenever we talk about health care, you know, digital health is one of the biggest one which is out there. And this connects to both our data with this collection innovation this connects to big data. This connects to technology as well as

technology development as well. Of course, healthcare is at the at the center of things. But if you look at it, what is happening currently in terms of discuss topics, the majority of research topics are in terms of artificial intelligence, which is about 42% of the topics. And there is a little bit of application developments, which is about 27%. And predominantly in the recent ones there is a blockchain and there is a little bit of augmented reality in health insurance and the color industry, which is mainly to do with penetration and things like that. So, these are all the primary discussed topics in the industrial health domain. And that's why you can look into

and what

So, now, let me jump into what are the models which are currently we are planning to do, as I mentioned, our discipline is a big topic later books are one of the biggest topics in the digital because most of the data comes from the book

Some of you have asked me give just introduction to digital health. I'll get into little more details in the next few slides. And then we talk about wearable devices, we call it a physiological signal processing electrical signals out a quiet instant that these both form the digital health modules. And as I told you down as a as you have already seen most of the topics of the research involving around artificial intelligence, so we can move away from learning machine learning, and then talk about a little bit about deep learning additional, and then get into the imaging and that vision. So hopefully given going into the cold situation, when we come to the module five, we are going to have a contact you can have a campus visit and then hopefully it's all going to be answered. By the way, all of these except the module one. rest of them all require you to run some demos. So we will give you something like you know hands on demonstrations for you to try out

analyzing the data, which is out there.

So, just to get into a little more, you know, granularity in terms of giving you Well, what are the other modules? So what are the topics which is covered under each model? So for example, if we look at the first module, which is about digital health, we talk about the need for it one of the case studies talk about a little bit of the basics. So, you know, as a totally one application for this mobile app is one year is another, what is our current impact in terms of implementing So, what are the current guidelines which we have come standards in terms of HR seven, integrating the whole healthcare enterprises, we talk about something called as vendor neutral archives. And we also have to talk about open source data innovation. And more importantly, we are every industry has required some IT infrastructure. So, we are also going to talk about IoT and cloud computing in terms of the first 40. In terms of the second module, we are going to start off on the variable name

As the symptoms of physiological signal processing, what are the basics for it? What are the different sensors which are currently there, what is instrumentation aspects of it what is the data communications aspects of it and today audio has become a very big and the answers for this are most of the natural language processing happens in that. So, start talking about speech and audio signal processing, starting from signal capture data pre processing, look at feature modeling.

And then we jump into the machine learning which is the aspect we talked about data model support vector machine which are traditional machine learning ones generative models in terms of expectation maximization and latent variables. And then we get into doing little more hands on in terms of Deep Learning and Digital health are first we talk about machine learning for physiological signal processing. Mainly we talk about time series, because most of the data and the physiological signals is mostly a time series data. And then I talk about a little bit about the basics of the deep learning in terms of CNN

Some things like that, and getting one or two examples of deep learning for digital signal processing and natural language processing. Additionally, we are also going to cover that. And the last module is about the Beijing we talk about medical imaging modalities, what are the typical analysis which we do, what are the technical challenges, we talk about applying those to the deep learning topics in terms of segmentation, you know, convolutional neural networks optimization and what are the current deep learning models that are available in terms of translation starting from unit I like said VGG net.

So, these are giving you granularity in terms of water not be covered as a topics in the course. So, I will stop this over here, primarily again. So, this was one you know the professor talking about the program itself and

What led to let me just share my screen again? Sorry? Yep. So I guess you guys can see my screen again and you were able to hear the audio and the video part of the presentation.

So, yeah, so coming back, see what we what we what we why we did that and again, I'm still at the Genesis slide because we kind of spoke about the program itself.

There are great things that are happening in the space of healthcare, right be it in telemedicine, you know interview tele, radiology in tele nursing in tele ICU, in let's say, in robotic assisted surgery, you have micro robots which which you know, mean which which will probably become a reality in the next in the next couple of years. You have aim and you know, you will be able to use

Artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning. For robots to perform surgery. You have these sensors, the professor was talking about sensors. You have sensors, you have smart devices, you have the Apple Watches garments of the world. They they produce so much all of them produce signals. It's basically analysis of signals. So that that's there you have the electronic health records for patients where you will you will have complete access to, if I go to a patient as a patient to a hospital or a doctor, he or she will have complete access to mine electronic health records, which will mean that one is that he has a complete picture of whatever ails me. Also, it will involve a lot of duplication of tests. He doesn't need to redo a test here and there because he will have access to that.

Health Service aggregators. We have practice and all of that I have a couple of slides in terms of you know what we'll be doing

And health, I mean, most of the Indian population is spread out so widely. You. There's huge opportunity for companies, there's huge opportunity for professionals who can build solutions around em health, who can at least envisage something around mobile health. We are as a country we are I think, currently, we're just behind China, if I'm not mistaken in terms of smartphone penetration, or smartphone sales, and we assume gonna, you know, we're going to be one of the largest markets. We are India's second largest in the world, which is huge opportunity for anybody, any professional who can do this. And then there is obviously big data in healthcare. You know, you have EHR data, you have, the professor was talking about IoT. It's I was going to, I believe, a Forrester study which says that in the next.

In the next five years, we will have almost 25 billion IoT connected devices in the world, which is a huge amount of their lives.

majority, or I won't say a majority. I forgot the number but I think it was it was a significant amount of these devices will be around health. So it will be your smartwatch it could be a smart pacemaker that is there. It could be a smart implant that that comes in. So these are technologies that are there any pharmacies and all we all probably use one mg and any of the other things. Now what is one thing which is very constant over here across one constant over here is the fact that you need professionals who can make sense of data that is being generated, that the potential data, all the data that's currently there. You need professionals who can make sense of that data and provide solutions. And that's the genesis of the program. That's why the program exists. We are looking at people you know, coming in and learning about are starting to look

Got these aspects that, you know, we spoke about the five modules that are there it covers, you know, starting points for the entire healthcare sector digital health. And that's where, you know, that's the basic reason why this program exists.

Now, in terms of if you were to talk about consumer health wearables Now, what I'm doing is these are the next few slides that are there are completely about companies that are present in these sectors and opportunities that are there for you. Some of these most of these some of these companies are in India, there are opportunities outside as well, but I would not limit myself or we should not limit ourselves to just you know, what is available in India. You know, if you if you have the know how, there's nothing stopping you from, you know, going out and working not in the immediate context, but definitely, you know, in the future, we are all very positive that this will the pandemic will not continue to exist.


now you have Apple with the Apple Watch, that's there, we all would have seen it, it's probably the most, it's the most famous one amongst the variables that are there kind of redefining, you know, its ability to take your heart rate, its ability to measure your blood,

blood pressure, your ability to measure whether you are having a stroke or not, whether you're having a fall or not. And it's not just Apple, which is working over here you have Fitbit, you have Garmin, you have HTC, Huawei, Samsung, Sony, the opportunities are huge. And the core thing in terms of consumer healthcare wearables is the fact that you there's the signal processing that's there. So you have signal processing that comes in you have image processing that comes in because if you were to put the output of the entire thing in the timeline timeline if you come across as an image, so as booking professionals, there is huge

Huge amount of work that is going on by these companies in the space of in the space of, you know, the consumer health, wearable space. And you also have a huge amount of, you know, research that's there and hence huge amount of opportunities that are coming up.

You have the smart medical devices now it's not just limited to consumer devices like smartwatches and all consumers can buy which is a much it's a huge market. medical devices is no small market and you have, you know, top companies like Medtronic working on you know, monitors for cardiac cardiovascular problems. I'm one of my acquaintances I'm aware of has this smart pacemaker installed in her mother's heart, which which will which will give analysis and which will help

predict to a certain extent

If she's having a stroke or a heart attack, so these are smart devices that are coming in and many of them are already there. You know Siemens healthineers they are big in India Medtronic is big in India changes big in India, you and they are working GE Healthcare is big in India. So you have opportunities where they are working at buildings, not medical devices, they are building looking at building devices, which will which will be able to well let's put it this way if you if you before this, if you had the device looking telling you giving out the image over there and then you would need two doctors or three doctors to kind of say that you are this is right this is wrong. Probably where we are going to go over here is that the device is probably going to reach a level of accuracy in the near future where it is able to for normal diagnosis it is able to predict what is going to happen and you will still then go for a final consultation to a human

Because not replacing human beings, it's just that it's getting more intelligent. So there's huge amount of work that's happening over there which which, obviously, it needs technology professionals, it needs people to, you know, program and create those machines to create those algorithms to create those learning,

you know, to create the learning platforms that are there that needed so that's then there is telehealth. I mean we have Porsche in India, we have one mg in India, we have medlife practo. They are providing these telehealth they are they are aggregators of healthcare, healthcare service providers etc. which again is a huge opportunity for doctors to kind of, you know, gain access to patients for patients to remote patients to get access to doctors, etc. So call health so many examples that are there. You know, they will they will do tests for you they will come and take it from your which is a huge

huge opportunity again and, and it's thanks to the pandemic. I don't want to refer to it too much. But the fact of the matter is telehealth has become very big. When it comes to the pandemic. Now you most of us are doing telehealth, you have Apolo starting off their telehealth division where you can consult a doctor etc, etc. So that's that's the space that is there in terms of telehealth.

Then there are these AI enabled novel healthcare products which you know, you've so many companies working IBM Watson has Google Health deep mind

they are working on a lot of this is happening outside of India, but then you do have Indian professionals contributing to development of this, you know, big companies, all the big ones, again, are a part of this, of this entire cycle. So you have these kind of products available as well. And then there is

Session medicine where primarily you are talking about medicines which are able to target

the part of the body or to target the virus etc.

which needs it and and not become and not you know kind of

spray in the in the dark value is pretty all the bullets and it there's collateral damage as well. So that's that's something that is that's also that's happening you have given so many companies that are working over there.

Finally, you know, you have precision medicine and then I was kind of I'm kind of done with the presentation now we will gonna start off with the interaction that we had.

I was just doing this search, you know, one day just a couple of weeks back. And there's just one job portal that we looked up opened up and we said let's search for digital health.

We got 38,000 job openings that are there. And and and a lot of these job openings were in the technology space in terms of helping improve the technology. That is there, you know, stuff that we've been talking about for the last half an hour, 40 minutes.

I was really looking at and there's so much study that's been going on in terms of digital health, I'm sure all of you, you know, would be anybody who has any interest in the field would have access to some of that data.

What what it means essentially, is that, you know, there's this big broadband India Foundation, which, which did a study this was sometime end of last year, where AI will create seven lakh jobs in the healthcare sector, and a majority of them are technology, space jobs in terms of making healthcare more affordable. Obviously, you have doctors in the space, you have nurses in the space. You have the service providers in the space, but they will AI will create a lot of opportunities.

primarily for the healthcare for the professionals in the in the sector. So that's, that's my bit in terms of, you know, what I wanted to talk about? I'm I'm open to, you know, questions that come in, you can raise your hand, if you want me to unmute you. And I will, you know, I will unmute you. So we can start ahead with that. I see that there is our own Mehta who has a question on one request to you would be to not ask a very personal specific question to you. Maybe we could we can take that offline and do that. But, you know, I'm happy to answer any questions otherwise. So let me just click on OK, there's my cursor. I got it. Okay. Are you meta?

Yeah, I have you can unmute yourself and ask your question, please. Hmm.

Don't we can't hear you around you. Okay, we'll try doing this again.

Dr. Justin, Jen, I have, you can unmute yourself and ask your question.

I see that you have raised your hand.

Okay. I seem to be having no luck with people. Today lucky. So let me take some of the questions that have come in, in terms of

the in the chat window. So there is

a jazz Mr. He's from the pharma background quality control chemist and he knows the basics of coding.

So again, so again, this is one class who he wants to understand how will the course help him? So just what see the question is, how will it help you as a function of a couple of things? And I don't have enough information to answer this entire thing because I don't know what you want to do.

If you if you are looking at diversifying yourself, since you are aware of technology, I'll tell you what it can do if you are looking at diversifying into the healthcare sector, from a pharma background, yes, you are eligible for this program.

And the fact that, you know, you know, technology, if you want to look at getting into this side of things, whereby you look at programming, if you want to look at building solutions, you want to look at at least getting an overview or of leading a team, which is building solutions, etc. This course would be a good starting point. But then, you know, unless I know what you want out of the program, it's difficult for me to say that, you know, what is it that you are going to gain and how will the program help you? There's a question from somebody who's pursuing hospital and health care management.

So again, if you're pursuing a program currently, okay, so the program requirements and he actually clarified that the program requirements

that you need to have one year of work experience of at least to attend the program. But I can tell you that there are a couple of people who have who have enrolled for the program who have less than one year of work experience but the fact is they were very keen on learning and IAC being a center or an institution which is focused a lot on learning. We we have been allowed to come in so while the minimum work experience for everybody is one year of work experience and you know, a BSc or a four year graduate BSc B, take MTech, etc. People who have less than one year some people have come in. So that's that be my answer. So, probably, you know, I would suggest that you do it people in college still have not been allowed to come in.

So again, Rohini is Ronnie's question college students. I don't think I said this out and I'm reading this from around 552

And was when these jackets had come in. So I did not mention the fact that college students are going to be there I was talking about talentsprint, working with college students and in different programs that we have for this program for the digital health program. There are no college students that will be allowed, you will have to complete your education before you come in to the program, preferably with one year of work experience. At the minimum. There may be one or two exceptions that may be made. There's a question from krishnendu das Gupta, who asks, Will the course give access to actual data for the work and the assessments? Yes, krishnendu. There the program specially the last module of the program. The plan is that there will be a lot of proprietary data that you will get access to on research that's happening in the space in AI sc and these will be practical projects that teams will have to execute the entire cohort of

You know 5060 odd people whatever is the number will be executing that they will be helped by full time ISC students as well as the faculty and a lot of this is going to happen if the campus visits happen there will be a lot of very propriety proprietary things that the cohort will get access to in terms of you know, data beat in terms of running the kinds of algorithms that are there. So, that is going to be provided as a part of the the force especially in terms of the capstone projects, people also will have access to mentors from from you know, our side, they will they may probably even get access once you once you're there in the class and these are going to be live online classes. You will have access to the faculty and they are any experts over there so you can coordinate with them around this.

Okay, so qualifications and experience

To do this program, I think I've already covered that. So I am not getting into that. Okay, what kind of coding skills should I have? Okay, this is the this is one very, and I've been talking a lot about technology professionals. So what I'm going to say is this, you don't need to have hardcore coding experience to do this program. The understanding is that you are going to start off with understanding how to build these, you know, the apps, the technologies, etc, that are there, you're going to start off with that the knowledge that is needed from your end will be that you should be aware of you should be comfortable with technology is how I would put it. So if you know your way around if you if you can get if you can install some of the software that will be required, and all of that, that will be good enough. You don't need to if you have coding skills,

It would definitely be positive. But if you do not have coding experience, but if you if you do understand some bit of coding and when I say coding experience, I would look at any classes, you know, restate this.

Okay, I'm sorry, I think, Dr. Jatin. So, I like to ask you a question. I think we we caught you in the middle of something else. So, in terms of the the coding experience that I was talking about, you don't need to be a master coder, but you need to be comfortable with, you know, technology so to speak. The programs that are there, yes. If you if you if you know, coding it will, it will help you I wouldn't deny that but if you if you are an absolute novice when it comes to coding

it may be

little difficult for you to pick things up. But if you have had some exposure in your life to coding, it could be in any language c, c++,

Python, etc.

You will be able to do well because you will be expected to kind of install things like pi torch and all of that and, you know, kind of work around over there. So there'll be a lot of and we will provide support for people, those who are not from a pure technology background, we will provide support to you in terms of allowing mentors to come and help you out. Okay, what's the selection process? The selection process is the the following you go on to Okay, let me say this Yeah, you you can go on to talentsprint.com. And you can, one is that you can email us at DHS talentsprint.com. And, or you can go to the digital imaging and section imaging section program on the website of talentsprint

You need to fill up your education details, professional details etc into write a small sob about why you want to do this program, what is it that you want to get out of the program? Once you do that, you know, we are going to it's going to be sent to ISC for selection. Professor phanindra is the one who actually selects all of the profiles that get shortlisted and, and then you get

and you get a selection email from us basis which you can pay the enrollment fee and book your seats. We are almost towards the end of selection of people for this cohort. The classes for the program are going to start on 23rd of August. We are probably going to keep applications open. You know for for the next couple of days, maybe a week, week and a half at the maximum and we will look at getting the best profiles that are coming in and giving them an option to enroll for this great program.

My AC so that's that's the process that you do. Okay. In terms of signage, there's a question in terms of how do you plan to shoot the program the program is going to run on weekends. It's going to run in the on the interactive life platform. It's just like this you will have a life faculty coming in teaching noon nothing is pre recorded and given to us. So you will be talking to him if you want, you know, you can ask questions, you can raise hands, you can ask questions, you will have access to the whiteboard. All of that is there you will have access to mentors who will be able to help you out. We can classes that are there Saturdays and Sundays. For a couple of D programs, you may need to invest around four hours for your four ish hours on a Saturday and then round three for four to five hours on a Sunday as well. Mostly in the afternoon. So your professional work does not get impacted.

And the other thing is that in case you missed something, and we're all working from home depot,

So you know, and work keeps coming at any point in time. In case you missed something the entire recording of the session is available as a smart video. Now the smart video What does that mean? I was kind of showing people the video I could just many of you may have noticed I skipped one section over there, and it took me and took the video to the next section where I wanted it to be covered. It's the same video kind of video that's there, I could have actually shown you this, the entire videos if assuming that this becomes an I believe this is again going to become a smart video and we will put this up on the website, it will create a to z so whatever I've been discussing for all this while it will be created, an AI layer will create an entire to see you can just you know whichever section you want to go to you can click the table of contents and you can just go to that section of the video. So the entire thing will be available as a smart video for you to access on the learning platform. So in case even if you miss classes, you can go access the entire contents of the lecture that was given.

You can access the whiteboard you can access all of the resources that the professor used any downloadable resources that he had putting all of that will be available any class interactions that happened questions in the class etc everything will be available on the platform. So you don't have to worry you can miss you know, even if you miss diagnose you do you miss a couple of your classes, you will still be able to catch up with the entire dude. And the program and this program is and since we know we have some participants who are joining us from outside of India. So if you are doing that, you know, if you're not in the time zone, we can get an exception for you so that you don't you know, you don't miss all of the classes but yeah sounds the classes we can get an exception created for you and you can attend. So that's their three requisites or knowledge for this course the prerequisites are knowledge again, one I already said a bit of flair for technology, you should have that. There are again two modules of tick. There are two parts of the course module one and two.

Do you remember if you go, if you can recall, that was being shown as part of the presentation.

If a doctor or somebody from a pharma background wants to just do module one and two, they can do that, because primarily, we don't expect a lot of doctors to have, you know, technology skills, but there are doctors who have actually done it this time. I am aware, I was very pleasantly surprised when, you know, I've seen the selection list. There are doctors who have learned Farrago who are learning Python etc. And they want to do the entire five modules because you know that that's again, they want to upskill themselves they have specific projects that they want to work on. So we've had that but if you are a doctor or if you're from a pharma background, etc, and if you do not have too much of a technology exposure, you can do the digital health and the variables section of the program. For everybody else, they can do all the five modules that are there. So there are two different price for different price points for that.

The first two modules will end in about two months time. And the all the five modules of the program will end by December of this year. So end of December is when the entire program is going to get over. And end of December I am guessing mostly before 25th of December is when the program is going to end, we will have the exact schedule up in on the website, you know, just right before the program starts on 23rd. So

okay, so yeah, let's stay causal for working profession. Okay, so in terms of again, minakshi a very broad question, how is it helpful to a working professional with experience in more than five years? I really wish that you told us a little bit about yourself that would help us to do that. Okay, somebody juggernaut doesn't have any domain knowledge in health care.

Okay, so what I'm going to tell you juggernaut is that many of the

technology professionals working and we have a Cognizant as has a, what do they call it, they call it the Cognizant Life Sciences Division. They employ more than 20,000 people. And those people are all working on healthcare clients in the healthcare domain. They are not healthcare experts per se, they are not doctors in the traditional sense of the word. They are not their technology professionals. So, if you have technology, you know, expertise, you can work in the healthcare sector domain you will leave some aspects of some learnings from that and a program like this will give you that understanding of the basics of the healthcare domain of the kind of data that's there the the the models that are used, etc, how is images that are used signals that are used, etc, how you go about aggregating that and building a technology solution. So and there are yes there are people who have asked that they are you know, they are interested in artificial intelligence. Some of them have

Knowledge of artificial intelligence.

So, yes, you can do that the difference between an AML program and this program is that it kind of helps. It has a lot of focus on the healthcare sector. Again, healthcare is very regulated sector, there are a lot of regulations that you need to be aware of, which are traditionally AML program may not be able to give you. So that's the difference between doing this program, as you will be aware of all the all the regulations of all the modalities in the healthcare sector, versus, you know, doing a regular program.

Okay, there's a question from Rajat will this course help us catch a job in medical electronics?

Do we need to do any other program? graduates? Very good question. Actually, one of the biggest consumers of this course AR D, medical imaging and the medical electronics companies that are there when I when I spoke about

You know, GE Healthcare IAC has actually run this program for GE Healthcare. They've run it for other leading companies, parts of this program that we speak. So definitely people who are working who are at the intersection of technology and healthcare will be able to pursue that even if you don't have a lot of information on health care if you are part of the technology side, the health care side will come in.

See, I would be lying to you if I said that this program is is the Bible for health care, or the amount of knowledge that you can gain and this is in continuation to Rogers question. The healthcare is such a vast field of health, medical imaging, and all of that is such a vast field. You will start this program will give you very good insights into that but if anybody says that you do one program and you're set for life You don't need to do they will be lying to you. I don't make that claim. This will give you an understanding of that. There is always more scope to learn. There's always more scope, scope.

do research but it'll definitely give you an understanding of what is it that you need to do to start your career in healthcare or to move into healthcare.

enamelled lost their jobs to COVID.

Okay, see, again, a lot of if you were to look at it. The second question is a lot of people have lost jobs due to COVID.

Yes, people may have lost jobs. But the fact of the matter is, be the amount of jobs that are open for healthcare, the amount of jobs that are open for data scientists is still high.

People getting a job is a function that you have already get doing the job performing that job is something that is there while you may get a certificate, if you don't perform enough annual performance in a job or being able to stick on to a job is a function of many things. So you know, you should not read the fact this as you know, medical data scientists lost jobs. Data Science is still the hottest trend, you know, in terms of nvvm

With almost 700 recruiters who recruit from our college programs, ai ml and data science is still the hottest as you may have people who may not have been able to

have had other performance related issues. But it's not that data scientists have lost jobs. Most cases they have, they are the ones who are actually the ones who are getting hired.

Okay, real time projects I have covered. So see most cases, these programs, there's no placement support that's there. But what happens is that you get to work with people, there are people who are coming in who own companies who own who are owners of startups who work with work for years in the industry, who worked with them, you build up a network, and then you kind of explore opportunities depending on the competencies that you have. So none of most of these certificate programs will not offer you placement support

The fact of the matter is there is so much demand for this in the market. If you if you build up these core skills and if you have this skill competency, you don't need to run after jobs or be bothered about placement, placement support that's there, the job will come to you. So my advice to everybody in all these 1012 years that I've been working in Indian upskilling people and training people up is that look at building competencies in areas where you know, your competencies are going to be rewarded and are going to be required, the job will follow you. And that's the same mantra that I will give.

There are some poker so this is there are some courses, pro bindings, questions around certificate fees, and all it's a certificate program. It's not a degree or aficionado degree or a diploma program because you need to have at least a nine month program for it to become a diploma program. The course fee currently we are running an early bird scholarship where around 72,000 worth rupees of scholarships

been given. So, the current course fee is somewhere around is sorry 1.68 lakhs plus GST that is there. So you have you know that scholarship that's available the cost of the program was around 2.4 lakhs and for the people who want to do the the first two modules only the cost of the program will be one lakh plus GST then it's around 1.2 lakhs but then you have a scholarship of 20,000 rupees available over that

clinical psychologist with who does not have too much programming knowledge with C or c++, I am assuming shift Kumar, you were asking me, you know, what are the what what is it that you could do? Again, it depends, you know what you're trying to do as a result of this while we've had people who have who are doctors who have who are who are psychologists who have done this program, they probably are more interested in understanding the disease.

First two modules about this. But then again, if you want to share some more information, you can, you know, we are going to be able to help out with understanding this. I think I have Valley from my team who is the main counselor for this program volley. Can you just ping your phone number that people can reach you at? And the email address that people? Okay, the email address is already there. Wendy, I would request you to do that from Asia, if you're already there measures the lead counselor for the program manager for the program. If you can share your contact details. You know, that would be very helpful for everybody that's there. I am also launching a small poll over here. You know, we've already overshot time I'm so sorry. I didn't realize that at 643.

And we will do that.

You know, we be going to do that. So, yeah, I would request all of people to work. Let's

try and figure out if we can take a couple of questions from people who have raised their hands around hetta I have allowed you to you know speak if you can unmute yourself. Uncle here you sanat Kumar, I have allowed you to unmute yourself sorry, I don't know. Sorry. I just saw your message microphone error sound that I have allowed you to unmute yourself would you want to ask your question? I seem to be having a very rotten luck today with

getting people to talk okay.

bunkered Saxena, I have, I have allowed you to talk you can

you know, disable you can disable unmute yourself and you can ask your question

any of you Yes, bonkers we can hear you. I thought there's something wrong with my my system today.

Yes, I can see many people could not connect with

So my question is,

I am actually a hospital person. So I did my PhD in radiology and imaging technology, then Master's in hospital management. And I'm having 10, a 10 years of experience, and I'm doing good in my job. But I want to go to the health sector health tech sector now, from a management side, so because there's a lot of things happening in health tech side. So I just wanted to know, is there any chance if I don't want to go into a technical side and just want to go for jobs, like

the managerial side of health? So is there possibility of these kind of jobs during this course? Sure. Good question. So what I will do is, see every job Yes, it's definitely possible to do course, to kind of get a job.

Post completion of this course in a healthcare sector in the management side, that is they're now getting a job is a function of many other things. While you know, while I'm saying that it is possible, there is also this other factor that is there that a job is a function of your skills, they are some of them are transferable skills, some of the skills that you acquired and they are also a function of the softer aspects of things that are that are there if you are talking about a management side of things are you will have to you know, if you if you're looking at something very senior Yes, you will probably be able to do it because this course will give you access to you know, how you would be able to manage the basic processes and give you an understanding of the developments that are happening in the technology space of companies again, because it's a very large space that we are talking about over here. So, there is a lot of of you know in terms that is happening in terms of the technology space, you will be able to

Get an opening over there you may you know that this will give you a window into what is happening and then you may just want to study a little bit more, but I don't think that, you know, a job in the health tech sector will not be possible. But again, it's a function of you know, the kind of role that you're looking at and what and where do you want to aspire to get into?

Okay, so we have actually, six, it's 650. What I'm going to do is, I would have loved to, you know, talk to everybody over here. Unfortunately, there's another webinar that is coming up which I have to get into right now. My apologies to everybody who may have been not been able to connect with Valley if you have, yeah, Wendy I see that she has been able to, you know, she has posted her phone contact information.

Anybody who has not yet voted, I would request all of you to

What we are, you know, it will help us curate our content better. But having said that, I thank everybody for sticking around. It's been wonderful talking to all of you. We hope to. Okay, so this is the last question, will there be another cohort after the current one? When will that P again, yeah, it's the it's the we are definitely going to have a cohort, I would not be able to tell you when that cohort next cohort is starting.

But my guess is it will be sometime during next year. But the fact of the matter is, again, when I say that, and I get this question a lot of people ask me, you know, should I do this right now? Should I not do this right now, etc. See, most cases, one of the biggest,

one of the biggest, you know,

benefits of investing in yourself or upskilling yourself is the fact that it makes you that much more valuable to your employer to your potential employer. So if I

Any advice this to all people who I who come to me for counseling

for, you know, on this aspect, there are people who say this, maybe I'll do it tomorrow.

The fact of the matter is the people who do not get affected by, you know, pink slips by the market trends are the ones who actually upskill themselves. Especially if you are in technology, especially if you are a professional who's working in the knowledge economy. It is critical that you update yourself and not wait for the right time to come. There is because there's never a right time. And I've seen that enough in my life to go I've seen enough people you know, I've had people who have postponed doing a program waiting for that right time to come when everything is there. But unfortunately, that right time will never come and we continue to procrastinate. And people only look at upskilling themselves when there is probably a gun to their head. And that is not probably the place where you would want to you know get into for us think of upskilling yourself.

That is one last thing. There's one question. So Valley has shared her contact details. There is so also there's the there's the allmax. So there's somebody wants to understand about all panelists to all it. Okay. So somebody wanted to understand about the Alma Connect that's there. So I'm looking at again, is the alumni Connect portal for talentsprint, where everybody across all of our programs who pass out and you know, for example, the AML program that we have, there are more than 2004 300 professionals who have passed out of it. They are all there. We have programs in AML programs in blockchain. blockchain incidentally are for articulate he has about blockchain program. There have been five startups that have happened are all of them, I guess, majority of them happened in the healthcare space. So you will also be a part of this alumni network and you have you know, VB post jobs if they are coming because we always have companies coming and asking us for talent, even though the progress

does not come with any job placement, I'm reclassifying over there there's no job placement etc. But as a part of the alumni network, you may have you may have people who are working in big companies in healthcare sector in IT sector etc and you will all be able to, you know, be a part of that interact with each other, you know, the post jobs, you can ask for help we have people who are working in FinTech. So, it can be you know, somebody who will be a finance expert, somebody who will be a technology expert, somebody will be a healthcare expert, somebody will be a blockchain expert, you know, people exchange ideas and we've had cases where you know, this has been happening. So, so that's something that is also there so that's the last part.

Okay, if anybody wants to contact me, my name is Aurora throw a ri tr o like you can see on below the video. I am available on LinkedIn, you can connect with me on LinkedIn. I am happy to connect with anybody if you want to understand more about you know professional development etc.

I'm happy to connect the two please connect with me on LinkedIn era tr o you can search for it or throw B. That's the that's my LinkedIn handle. I thank everybody we've overshot time we almost one and a half hours into this. I thank everybody for being here.

And you know spending some time with us on PC Monday morning, our busy Monday evening rather, I look forward to getting all of your applications it's a great program that that's come up and and we are very excited Pisces very excited to welcome you guys to experience a learning experience that the general public human usually does not get. So we are looking forward to getting all of your applications and to welcome you guys. Some of you are majority of you, I would love it. If all of you were to apply and join. You guys in the cohort for the digital has an imaging program. So thank you again, and have a safe day. Goodbye.

Bye bye

Watch the entire interview here https://youtu.be/XAUJjseWlec

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