Working professionals solve real-world problems every day in their work life. Hence, a program for a professional has to fit this context and not go by the usual academic learning process which starts with foundational concepts, proceeds to algorithms and finally closes with real-world use cases.
The IIIT Hyderabad AIML Program is specifically designed to start from real-world use cases along with an introduction to the algorithms and foundational concepts related to such real-world use cases. This context makes learning effective for a working professional.
The following program outline will give you a clear picture of the uniqueness of this learning approach.
Refresh your knowledge on coding and mathematics necessary for building expertise in AI/ML
Applications of AI
Learn about different applications of AI like Image Processing,Speech Processing, and Text Processing.
Problem Formulation and Solving
Learn to translate real-world problems in terms of AI/ML abstractions.
Closer Look at AIML Algorithms
Learn about and apply standard AI/ML algorithms to create AI/ML applications.
Deep Learning and Practical Issues
Implement practical solutions using Deep Learning Techniques and Toolchains.