TalentSprint / AI and Machine Learning / The rise of AI Professionals in India

The rise of AI Professionals in India


There are two points in the evolution of any industry. First is the tipping point where it breaks off from a flat curve and embraces explosive growth due to direct or indirect factors. Second is a turning point that changes the direction of that industry per se. For data and software professionals, the spurt in Artificial Intelligence (AI) innovation is a turning point. A massive opportunity like this has never emerged before for this genre of professionals. If they can equip themselves with AI proficiency at the right time – the world of growth, and financial gains are limitless.

From $230 million a year back, the Indian AI industry grew its revenues to $415 million in 2019.  In fact, AI spending in India jumped at a rate of 109.6% during 2018 to reach US$665 million. Between the 2019-2025 period, spending on AI is expected to record a CAGR of 39%. This means it could rise to US$ 11,781.9 million by 2025.

India also doubled its AI workforce to 72,000 in 2019. This was a big jump from 40,000 in 2018. But 2,500 positions were still vacant. How can the industry reap the latent demand that stays open now and how can professionals leverage this force without being washed out in the tide?

Of course, joining new courses is a good idea. But if you are already studying or working, there is not enough time and bandwidth to spend on these full-time alternatives.

It was observed in a recent study that 65% of AI professionals in India were transitioning to their current role from other fields in the last 2 years. The best way to up-skill without digressing from one’s current career flow is by joining a carefully-crafted program like the AI/ML Program of IIIT Hyderabad & TalentSprint. These programs are specifically designed to meet many requirements of AI-ambitious professionals:

  1. A compact design that is not a crash-course but covers all areas without wasting too much time on what hands-on professionals already know.
  2. A program which is ‘not for dummies’ but is, at the same time, simple, engaging and actionable.
  3. A 5-step process for good coverage and total grip on the subject – Masterclass lectures, hands-on labs, mentorship hackathons, and fast-track workshops.
  4. Support and mentorship of the best industry professionals and experts
  5. Time-sensitive on-ramping and course-management
  6. Anywhere, anytime virtual interaction
  7. Aligns with the latest tools and industry trends
  8. Simple, safe and frictionless participation, even during lockdowns
  9. Trust and support of over 2300 professionals and 750 organizations
  10.  Learning along with industry peers from leading organizations
  11.  An in-depth program with advanced certification and collaboration with top academic institutes (like IIIT Hyderabad)

They reflect the engaging nature of the Program because nearly 47% of professionals are above 10 years of experience. The Program is popular among Developers, Analysts, and Managers.

Recall what Accenture has underlined in its AI report. AI has the potential to add US$957 billion, or 15% of India’s current gross value in 2035. It is all about that powerful combination of technology, data, and talent that makes intelligent systems possible. It can reach critical mass, driving extraordinary growth in AI investment, if we have the right talent and landscape ready. That means we need vibrant AI ecosystems and that translates into five pillars: Universities, large companies, startups, policymakers, and multi-stakeholder partnerships.

However, if you look at the state of the STEM pool, the practical proficiency levels and employability of many graduates have remained low. That is why Accenture stressed the onus on large companies, industry bodies, universities, and research institutes to nurture the new skills demanded by AI.

Interestingly, India needs to move from STEM to STEAM. It needs to step up efforts to equip its citizens with multidisciplinary and STEAM skills—science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics—demanded by AI.

Programs, like the ones run by TalentSprint and powered by one of the best Machine Learning labs at IIIT Hyderabad, reiterate these needs. The resonating success of 14 cohorts deepens this realization even more. We need AI professionals who can learn quickly, without disrupting the existing work.



TalentSprint is a leading deep-tech education company. It partners with esteemed academic institutions and global corporations to offer advanced learning programs in deep-tech, management, and emerging technologies. Known for its high-impact programs co-created with think tanks and experts, TalentSprint blends academic expertise with practical industry experience.

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